6、Much ___I have traveled ,I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency
A although B as C while D if
7、____all of us who are to night ,I would like thank MR.Brown for his talk
A on behalf of B on account of
C In honor of D In terms of
8、These books were very dear to him and he bought them at _____expense
A considerate B considered
C considerable D considering
9、None of us expected the chairman to _____at the party .we thought he was will in hospital
A turn in B turn up C turn over D turn down
10、_____of the boys in the class who have passed the test is to receive certificates
A Every B Everyone C Any D Anyone
16.It is necessary that the plan--before Thursday
A. were fulfilled B. was fulfilled C. be fulfilled D. would be fulfilled
17.You--all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing
A. needn't have done B. must have done
C. shouldn't have done D. can not have done
18.At last the girl received the letter she--for so long a time
A. has been expecting B. had been expecting
C. was expecting D. had excepted
19.She told her children that they must not--play with matches
A. by no means B. in no sense
C. on any account D. to good account
20.You thought they could have completed the project,--?
A. Haven't B. Won't you C. doesn't you D. didn't you
1. Slip puzzle loss failure
2. Festival event occasion holiday
3. Senses reasons purposes meanings
4. Bottom basis root stem
5. Have share divide store
6. Yet hence thus then
7. Which why that whether
8. Top match equal challenge
9. Shier better keener easier
10. Process promote perceive produce
- 1清镇市2023年公开招聘幼儿园“员额制”教师4月17日报名情况公告
- 2玉屏侗族自治县2023年事业单位教育类岗位引进高层次及急需紧缺人才第二场次面试通告
- 3普安县2022年公开招聘高中、特殊教育教师政审合格暨拟聘用人员名单公示
- 4剑河县教育系统2023年招聘公办幼儿园专任教师入闱面试人员名单公示
- 52023年德江县事业单位公开引进高层次及急需紧缺人才(教育类)岗位笔试成绩查询公告
- 6黔西市2023年度第一批次“人才强市”教育科技系统岗位引才体检结果公示(二)
- 7黔东南州教育局下属事业单位2023年急需紧缺人才引进面试成绩及递补入围体检公示(州民族高级中学、凯里学院附属中学)
- 8镇远县教育系统2023年招聘员额制教师笔试成绩及查分公告
- 9贵阳市白云区2022年面向区属“双轨制”教师公开招聘中小学教师第四批进入考核人员的公告
- 10安龙县2022年中国东盟教育领域人才引进体检人员体检情况公示
- 1印江自治县2023年第二轮事业单位公开引进(卫生类)高层次及急需紧缺人才实施方案
- 2天柱县白市镇中心卫生院2023年招聘合同制人员启事
- 3清镇市产业发展控股集团有限公司2023年第一次公开招聘公告
- 4遵义市播州区龙坪镇人民政府2023年公开招聘城镇公益性岗位人员公告
- 5遵义市教育体育局2023年公开选调直属事业单位工作人员公告
- 6交通银行贵州省分行2023年劳务外包岗位招聘简章
- 7黔南民族医学高等专科学校2023年高层次和急需紧缺专业人才招聘简章
- 8镇宁县红蝶实业有限责任公司2023年招聘资产管理专员启事
- 9清镇市2023年引进高层次人才及急需紧缺人才简章
- 10贵州达康医疗设备管理服务有限公司2023年公开招聘营销岗位人员公告