






  Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure

  1.C 【解析】略。

  2.B 【解析】save energy保存体力。

  3.B 【解析】我以前不知道,故用过去时。

  4.A 【解析】excuse借口。

  5.B 【解析】the+姓的复数,表示一家人。

  6.C 【解析】what引导主语从句。

  7.A 【解析】略。

  8.A 【解析】特指对失踪男孩的搜索,故用the,后一句无特指,故什么都不加。

  9.D 【解析】always +现在进行时,用于表示对某种行为的抱怨。

  10.B 【解析】略。

  11.D 【解析】略。

  12.D 【解析】略。

  13.A 【解析】shouldn?t have done表示本不该做某事但已经做了。

  14.C 【解析】略。

  15.D 【解析】考查语境对话。


  16—20 BDACA21—25 CADDC26—30 BCDBB31—35 BCADA

  Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension

  36—40 BCACB41—45 BDDCB46—50 ABCCD


  51.delaying making

  52.should adapt himself to

  53.to hearing your story again

  54.is now being turned

  55.Could you take a blank sheet of paper

  Ⅴ.Proofreading and Error Correction











  Ⅵ. Writing (One possible version)

  It is publicly recognized that water is one of the most important resources for life. If there were no water, there would be no life. China could boast abundant water resource, with the amount totaling 2,800 billion cubic meters, however, we also have a large population of 1.2 billion people. If we allocate the water to each person, we must consider our country as one of severe water scarcity. In some western areas of China, with little rain all the year round, the earth is cracked or decertified. People have to walk miles every day to get water. They do not have enough water for drinking, for farming or for maintaining personal hygiene,causing much inconvenience to every level of their life.

  Even in the east of the country, where there is plenty of rain and there are a great many rivers and lakes, the situation does not offer reasons for optimism. Statistics shows that 400 cities suffer from water shortage and the situation for about 100 is very serious. What make the situation even worse is that 30% of the rivers are polluted and waters around 90% of the cities are polluted to different extent. This has posed a serious threat not just to our health, but also to our survival. The environment has worsened to an extent where we must do something about it.

  We must raise public awareness of water crisis. As individuals we should use water?saving facilities at home and reuse water from kitchen for toilet. Everyone can do something to save water. If actions were not taken immediately, the situation might be worse than our wildest imagination.

  Ⅶ. Teaching Plan (One possible version)

  [Teaching Languages]

  1.Boys and girls,please look at the rhyme and listen to the tape.Notice the sounds of the verb?ending in bold.

  2.Please read after the tape.

  3.Practice the rhyme in groups of three, each one reads one verse and tries to act it out.

  Charles?s Trip to Basil

  At six o?clock Charles got up.

  He brushed his teeth,

  And washed his face.

  He walked into the yard.

  Then took out his bike.

  He jumped onto his bike,

  And began his trip to Basil.

  At twelve o?clock, he came to a crossing.

  He lost his way,

  And broke his bike.

  He rested under a tree,

  Studied the map and mended his bike.

  At half past one, he lifted his bag onto his bike,

  And rode on his way to Basil.

  In the late afternoon, he came to a hill.

  He climbed to the top of the hill.

  He played with butterflies and listened to the birds.

  He enjoyed himself and continued his way.

  He came to the downtown of Basil right at seven o?clock.





